Meeting Disciples in Chonburi

Last Sunday, I met up with disciples in Chonburi. We are a small group at the moment. But disciples are alike everywhere from my experience. They are loving and it's always a joy to meet them. There's an instant bond between us. We really do have deep things in common. They are hoping to plant a church here in Chonburi, a total answered prayer from God. I've also been praying for this for years, since my parents live in the area. If you come across this blog, please pray for the church in Bangkok to send missionaries out into this area. There's much work to be done, and it can be discouraging when we look at the small number. Nonetheless, I'm super encouraged to see that God's moving in this direction. It's a big step from years ago when these disciples used to drive 2 hours to meet up with the church in Bangkok. Now they have small children and babies. It's getting harder to move around. There's something that small churches have that is so precious like the closeness among disciples. Everybody knows everybody and we have to stick together...
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